The two red women forced from the other day's trainload of Red Women Warriors for The Donald, stood facing the door at Rêve Coffee Roasters on Jefferson Street.
An array of menu choices pasted to the glass slowed their advance.
They were further baffled when a barista with café au lait colored skin and gilded dreadlocks took ten-dollars and gave them two elegant slim glasses holding two ounces each of very black coffee, with a green sprig of rosemary dangling from its lip, and two red raisins on a toothpick laying at its foot.
A blood pressure shootout commenced at the ole coffee bar.
Each woman opened a little silver box, and took out two white pills the same size as the red raisins. They swallowed all with ice water served as a chaser along with the coffee. Then they asked their exalted presenter of Espresso Rosemary about the next train to Baton Rouge.
There was none, she told them. "But Greyhound," also in the Rosa Parks Centre, "runs several buses a day. Takes about an hour, I think."
E. W. E. MOVING FROM NEW-TO-OLD CAPITOL Photograph © Philip Gould |
The red women's aim is to be in Baton Rouge in time to raise their banners before the laying out of Edwin Washington Edwards, the dashing Cajun Prince, three times Governor of Louisiana, for a total of sixteen years. And one time Federal prisoner for eight years.
He would be laid out first in the New Capitol, and then in the Old. The new one built by Edwards idol, Huey P. Long.
Long was gunned down in the New Capitol in 1935, and interred on its grounds under massive tons of concrete. "To thwart seekers of souvenirs and Republican dirty tricksters," L. A. Norma said.
The two red women plan on waving signs to "Revive the War in Vietnam," as mourners walk behind the Governor's horse drawn hearse. It looked like the Greyhound Bus would do the trick on getting them there.
The two had hung around Lafayette in anticipation of the fictitious "Biden on Bastille Day Concert."
L. A. Norma had invited all the red women to attend. No others did of course. No one did. There was no concert. In fact, no recognition of Bastille Day whatsoever. Nowhere in Louisiana. And very little for Joe Biden anywhere in the state outside of New Orleans and Baton Rouge.
They occupied themselves eating at sidewalk cafés, drinking in student bars with COVID-defiant social practices, and attending services at Saint John The Evangelist Cathedral. Where they tried engaging the young Rector in their ideas to revive an obedient sacrifice of the flock through renewal of the lost war in Southeast Asia.
"Like the honor bestowed by General Mouton's death at the Battle of Mansfield, during the 1864 Red River Campaign.
"Before present day outlaws shot off his nose and got his statue taken down," they told the young priest.
He listened politely but from their first meeting turned the other way when he saw them coming.
~ www.LEJ.world 👒